Free GMAT/GRE Webinars & Classes
YouTube links to all completed GRE & GMAT-related webinars and classes, hosted by our Director of Online Tutoring, will be posted here in chronological order, from most to least recent. Feel free to visit our GRE/GMAT webinar page for more information on upcoming sessions and how to register.
May 5, 2021: Translating from English to Math on Difficult Word Problems on the GRE & GMAT
One of our top GRE/GMAT tutors walks students through multiple GRE & GMAT quantitative word problems from official exams. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
April 21, 2021: Interpreting the Unsaid - Tackling Inference Questions on the GRE & GMAT
Steve M. demonstrates how to approach inference questions on the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
April 7, 2021: How to take notes on the GRE & GMAT
One of our expert GRE & GMAT tutors discusses in detail how to effectively take notes on the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
March 24, 2021: GRE vs. GMAT: How are they different and which one should I take?
One of MyGuru's top online graduate school test prep instructors discusses the similarities and differences between the GRE and GMAT when it comes to setup, structure and content. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
February 24, 2021: How to Handle Reading Comprehension Detail Questions on the GRE & GMAT
A top GRE & GMAT MyGuru instructor provides an overview of how to handle detail questions on the reading comprehension sections of the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
February 10, 2021: Relatable Rates: Strategies to Simplify Work-Rate and Distance-Rate Problems on the GRE & GMAT
One of MyGuru's top online graduate school test prep instructors discusses how to simplify various types of rate problems on the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
January 27, 2021: Time Management on the GRE & GMAT: Strategies to Improve Your Baseline Score
Steve M. hosts a webinar to discuss time management strategies you can use to improve your baseline score on both the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
January 13, 2021: Strategies for Building Up Your Vocabulary for the GRE Verbal
One of MyGuru's expert GRE tutors delves into study habits and techniques proven to build your vocabulary when studying for the verbal portion of the GRE exam. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
December 30, 2020: Combinatorics on the GRE & GMAT
Steve M., an expert graduate school test prep expert describes how to solve various types of combinatorics problems on both the GRE & GMAT through examples found in the Official Guides to the GRE/GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
December 9, 2020: Active vs. Passive Reading in Reading Comprehension Questions on the GRE & GMAT
One of MyGuru's top online GRE & GMAT instructors demonstrates the difference between active and passive reading in reading comprehension questions on both the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
November 18, 2020: The Negation Test for Assumptions on the GRE & GMAT
One of our expert GRE & GMAT tutors uses this 60 minute webinar to engage attendees in evaluating assumption questions from the Official Guides to the GRE & GMAT using a tool called the negation test. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
November 4, 2020: Critiquing an Argument in < 30 Minutes - Practicing Rapid-fire Evaluation of a Given Argument on the GRE & GMAT
One of our top test prep instructors discusses how to evaluate an argument and write an essay in thirty minutes or less. He takes a step-by-step, methodical approach in order to make the best use of time and craft a thorough and clear essay possible in a limited time span. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
October 21, 2020: Solving Probability Questions on the GRE & GMAT
Steve M., a top GRE & GMAT instructor, takes 60 minutes to discuss various versions of probability questions on both the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
October 7, 2020: Evaluating the Argument - Addressing the GRE Argument Essay
One of MyGuru's top grad school test prep experts tackles the GRE argument essay, providing details on scoring, how to structure your time and essay, and what scorers will be looking for. He demonstrates using a practice essay from the Official Guide to the GRE. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
September 23, 2020: To Plug In or Not Plug In - GRE Quantitative Comparison Processes
MyGuru's Director of Online Tutoring demonstrates how to solve quantitative comparison problems on the GRE exam, exploring when to plug in and explaining strategies to use for various types of questions. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
September 9, 2020: Synonyms, Roots, and Affixes - Best Practices for Studying GRE Vocabulary
This webinar takes a look at how best to study for the vocabulary questions on the Verbal section of the GRE. MyGuru's Director of Online Tutoring explains how to make your own flashcards, what information is important to retain, and how much time you should expect to allocate to studying vocabulary in order to increase your Verbal score on the GRE. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
August 26, 2020: Taking a Side - Tackling the GRE Issue Essay
MyGuru's Director of Online Tutoring, Stefan, takes students through a step-by-step approach to writing the GRE issue essay from start (brainstorming) to finish (proofreading). Using an example prompt from The Official Guide to the GRE, he guides you through the process and answers questions along the way. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
July 22nd, 2020: Basic Quadratics on the GRE & GMAT
This webinar explores how to solve questions that contain quadratics on both the GRE & GMAT. Our Director of Online Tutoring uses examples from official practice exams to demonstrate techniques to improve efficiency and accuracy. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
July 8th, 2020: Mental Math on the GRE & GMAT
Our Director of Online Tutoring and expert tutor reviews and demonstrates various mental math strategies to use on both the GRE & GMAT. He explains why the calculator should only be used when absolutely necessary in order to save time and limit errors. He gives step by step demonstrations on how to solve problems with fractions, exponents and roots, percentages, and multiplication using mental math. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
June 24th, 2020: GRE & GMAT Reading Comprehension Tactics
This week's webinar focuses on the step by step process our Director of Online Tutoring recommends in order to quickly and correctly answer reading comprehension questions on both the GRE & GMAT. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
June 10th, 2020: GMAT vs. Executive Assessment Exam
MyGuru's Director of Online Tutoring and experienced GMAT and EA exam tutor covers the basics of each test from GMAC and explains the pros and cons of both. If you're debating which exam is going to be the best fit for your application, this presentation is for you. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
May 27th, 2020: GMAT vs. GRE: Similarities & Differences
This webinar focuses on the similarities and differences & pros and cons regarding the two major business school admissions exams, the GMAT & GRE, from an applicant perspective. Crimson Education provides a guest presentation on MBA admissions prep as well. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
May 13th, 2020: Logical Reasoning on the GRE & GMAT
MyGuru's Director of Online Tutoring demonstrates his approach to logical reasoning questions on the GRE & GMAT exams by going step-by-step through a problem in the format of what you'll find on both tests. He reviews common wrong answer types as well as his proven logical reasoning process. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.
April 29th, 2020: Online GMAT vs Online GRE
Due to COVID-19, both the GRE and GMAT will be offered online this spring/summer 2020. Our Director of Online Tutoring gives a thorough overview of the new online formats for both exams and explains what will be changing and staying the same. Click here to view the full video presentation and written summary of the webinar.