GRE & GMAT Reading Comprehension Webinar: February 24th, 2021
One of MyGuru's top online graduate school test prep instructors discusses how to evaluate reading comprehension questions on the GRE & GMAT.
Detail Questions
- Refer you to a specific concept, paragraph, line number, etc.
- Where is more important than what when it comes to retaining details on first read
- Read CONTEXT! (1-2 lines above and below)
- Detail questions are often about function (why?)
- Detail questions may ask you to infer
- Detail questions must be relevant
- Use around 2:30 minutes to read the passage
*Answers are IN THE PASSAGE*
Reading Comprehension on the GMAT
- Short reading comprehension questions
- Take 2:30 minutes to read
- Take 3 - 3:30 minutes to answer the questions
- Long reading comprehension questions
- Take 3:30 minutes to read
- Take 4 - 4:30 minutes to answer the questions
- Spot which detail questions are easier/harder
Reference the video located above to watch the entire webinar with specific examples.
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