Online GMAT vs. Online GRE Webinar: April 29, 2020
In order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, both the ETS and GMAC quickly created temporary online offerings of the GMAT and GRE for students to take in their own homes rather than a testing center.
GRE Updates
The online GRE began on March 27th and is currently accepting registrations through June 20th, 2020, although this end date may eventually change. It is live proctored through Proctor U with 24/7 availability Friday through Monday (no tests offered Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday).
The online format is identical to the traditional in-person GRE.
The largest difference between the online GRE and the in-person GRE is the use of a whiteboard and/or erasable pen during the online exam to ensure the integrity of the test. We recommend that you adjust your studying accordingly so that you're as comfortable as possible with these tools on test day.
GMAT Updates
The interim online GMAT began on April 20th and is offered through June 15th. This exam is also live proctored with 24/7 availability from Pearson Vue. Currently, each applicant is allowed one administration; you cannot take the interim online GMAT twice. Test takers receive an official score report up to 14 days after sitting for the exam.
There are a few notable differences between the standard GMAT and the online GMAT, outlined in the webinar video below:
For a full listing of our GRE/GMAT webinar videos, click here. This is the first of the series.
See below for more information on our online tutoring offerings: