GRE Quantitative Comparisons Webinar: September 23, 2020
MyGuru's Director of Online Tutoring demonstrates how to solve quantitative comparison questions on the GRE.
Review of Quantitative Reasoning Section
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Data analysis
Quantitative Comparison Overview
- Always first 7-10 questions in a computer delivered GRE
- Four static choices for every problem
- A | quantity a is > quantity b ALWAYS
- B | quantity b is > quantity a ALWAYS
- C | quantity a is = quantity b ALWAYS
- D | there is no consistent relationship between the quantities
- Average of < 1:30 minutes per problem
- Average for quantitative section is ~1:45
- Always aggressively attempt to at least logically eliminate choices for every quantitative comparison first in section
Sample Question
1) Set up scratch pad, quantities first
- Articulate the information as mathematical as possible
- List choices in center for process of elimination assistance
- Place any root conditions for problem above the choices/quantities
2) Do I want to plug in?
- No: evaluate conditions and quantities as mathematically as possible to determine if there's a consistent relationship or if consistent relationship cannot be determined
- Immediately eliminate choice D if no variables provided in problem
- Yes: First plug in an easy value or values to determine one possible outcome for the quantities to eliminate two of A, B, or C
- Easy values: 2, 10, 100 or 1/2
3) Plugging in Only - Strategically retest additional values to determine if the original outcome is the only possible outcome using FROZEN checklist
- As soon as a different outcome is produced, select D
- If a second equivalent outcome is produced, select C
- Must test at least two allowed FROZEN values before selecting either a or b
FROZEN Checklist
- Fractions
- Repeats
- One
- Zero
- Extremes
- Negatives
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