Taking Notes on the GRE & GMAT Webinar: April 7, 2021
One of MyGuru's top online graduate school test prep instructors discusses how to take notes on the online versions of the GRE & GMAT.
GRE In-Person
- Scratch paper
GRE At Home
- Individual whiteboard OR single sheet of paper
- Laminated yellow pad with semi-permanent marker
- You can use more
Both GRE & GMAT are concept-based
Reading Comprehension
- Read for structure, tone, POV, main content, relevance, scope
- Notes should identify the MAIN IDEA of the passage and each paragraph
- A few words each
Critical Reasoning (GMAT specific)
- Logical thinking
- Summarize argument in a few words or sentences
Sentence Correction (GMAT specific)
- P.O.E
Vocabulary Questions (GRE specific)
- Fill in the blank
- 2 types
- Positive or Negative (+/-)
GRE vs. GMAT Quant
- Problem Solving
- Quantitative Comparisons
- Problem Solving
- Data Sufficiency
Extract key and pertinent data and write it down
- Key values
- Translate English to Math
- Simplification
Reference the video located above to watch the entire webinar.
If you have additional questions regarding the information in this webinar or GRE/GMAT prep, please reach out to us at info@myguruedge.com.
For a full listing of our GRE/GMAT webinar videos click here, and see below for more information about our online tutoring: