GRE & GMAT Logical Reasoning Webinar: May 13, 2020
This webinar tackles a sample logical reasoning question from the ETS Official Guide that is in a common format found on both the GRE & GMAT and will be relevant to students taking either exam.
For a step-by-step approach on how to solve a sample logical reasoning question and full explanations of the Argumentation Equation, Conclusion Identification Test, and overall Logical Reasoning Process watch the video.
Format of a Logical Reasoning Question
You'll typically encounter a paragraph detailing a scenario and a question asking you to 'do something' to an argument, whether it's to strengthen it, weaken it, find an assumption, identify a flaw, or a number of other possible tasks.
All Arguments Follow the Argumentation Equation:
Premise + Assumption = Conclusion / Claim
Use the Conclusion Identification Test to Find the Main Claim
1. Avoid considering any statements of fact
2. Take any possible subject claims and consider which supports the other
Evaluate the problem using the Logical Reasoning Process.
Step 1: Identify what the question is asking.
Step 2: Read the prompt and determine the conclusion as presented.
Step 3: Predict what answer should do to address question task.
Step 4: Process of eliminate your prediction against answer choices by eliminating choices that are:
- Vague
- Reverse the Impact
- Require Additional Information
- Produce No Impact
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