In this series of blog posts, we’ll explore how podcasts can help students improve their academic performance and prepare for successful careers. We all know effectively managing your time is a key component of performing well at work and in school, and podcasts are an excellent way to learn new things while you are exercising, walking to class, or on the bus. Podcasts obviously cover a wide range of topics. Apple’s “categories” of podcasts include: arts, business, comedy, education, games, government, health, kids and family, music, news and politics, religion, science and medicine, society and culture, sports, technology, and TV/film.
Improving Academic PerfORMANCE
Learn how to improve yourself through targeted learning and improved study skills.
Posts about improve academic performance (2):
A Three Step Process to Essay Writing
study skills
writing an essay
college essay writing advice
college essays
improve academic performance
college prep
Students who partake in a college English course (most college freshmen) are under pressure to comprehend a reading, interpret a related inquiry to that reading, and...
The Art of Reviewing: Three Steps for Studying Meaningfully
The most typical way people study for a standardized test — be that the SAT in high school or the GMAT long after — consists of solving practice problems, solving more practice problems, and then taking a practice test.
Gamifying the Classroom to Improve Academic Performance
Gamification is one way teachers are getting students to pay attention. Because no one student is exactly the same, a number of different teaching styles and methods...