The rapid technological development of the 21st century has transformed nearly every aspect of society, including our educational infrastructure. No longer beholden to the limits of in-person instruction, modern academia has expanded its classrooms into the virtual domain. While the introduction of remote learning accounts for an unprecedented level of accessibility, this benefit is not free of obstacles. Without the physical and temporal boundaries enforced by the traditional class environment, students face a myriad of challenges in the realms of time management, online communication, and the digital attention economy—to name a few. Becoming a successful online student therefore requires an unprecedented level of motivation and accountability, and the following ten tips will enable you to maximize your potential.
Improving Academic PerfORMANCE
Learn how to improve yourself through targeted learning and improved study skills.
Five Ways Learning a New Language Can Enhance Your Intelligence

Pandemic life allotted many of us unexpected free time, compelled us to pick up new or old hobbies, and all around made us question and redirect our interests and goals. Some of us learned to paint, some of us baked, and some of us decided to learn a new language. Speaking in a different language
can be not just gratifying, but glamorous.
Who doesn’t want to imagine themselves in Paris
ordering dinner in fluent French, or shopping in Hong Kong and communicating with ease, in Cantonese, to the salesclerk?
Benefits of STEM Education

STEM education is a hot phrase in the education world. STEM refers to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
How to Improve Math Grades through Mindset

Many people continue to believe that you are either a math person, destined to be able to do math easily, or you’re not. If you’re not, math classes will always be hard, and you’ll never be comfortable with numbers and calculations. This type of thinking is seriously misguided, and really sends the wrong message to any student that is exposed to this idea.
Creative Ways to Increase Student Motivation and Improve Grades

There are a few things we know for sure about individuals who perform really well in school, get really good at a sport, or become highly skilled musicians or artists. And if you think one of those things involves having a special gift, an innate talent, or an especially high IQ, you’d be wrong. The latest science suggests that the following concepts and questions factor heavily into whether a student builds skill and ultimately performs well in any given academic, athletic, or artistic domain:
How to Stay Focused When You’re Studying: Four Crucial Tips for Students Using Virtual Computer Labs

Do you struggle to stay focused when you’re studying for an exam or working on an essay? Staying focused on demanding material can be a real challenge when you’re a student, especially if you were used to more structure and support during high school.