This summer, the LSAC quietly ended its partnership with Khan Academy and all free official LSAT prep materials are now available only at Four official PrepTests can be taken for free, but as most LSAT students know, those PrepTests do not offer explanations, and if you're wanting to use those practice materials judiciously, it might be a good idea to save them for closer to your test day. However, another resource, the official "Drill Sets", includes 14 additional passages and nearly 100 practice problems, the vast majority of them have never been included in prior LSAT prep materials.
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Use Free Lawhub Logical Reasoning Drill Sets to Begin Your LSAT Prep
This summer, the LSAC quietly ended its partnership with Khan Academy and all free official LSAT prep materials are now available only at Four official PrepTests can be taken for free, but as most LSAT students know, those PrepTests do not offer explanations, and if you're wanting to use those practice materials judiciously, it might be a good idea to save them for closer to your test day. However, another resource, the official "Drill Sets", includes an extra 168 practice problems and the vast majority of them have never been included in prior LSAT prep materials.
Will the LSAT Writing Sample be Scored?
In March, and with little fanfare, the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) announced that major changes are coming to the long ignored LSAT Writing Sample. While this update to the exam may seem insignificant compared to the retirement of Logic Games as part of the 2024-2025 LSAT testing year that starts in August, this new writing sample format could lead to a scored writing section as soon as the 2025-2026 LSAT testing year!
LSAC Lawhub Now Offering PrepTests Without Logic Games
Rejoice! The LSAC official Lawhub online practice resource has released composite preptests utilizing the new test format that will be live as of the August 2024 administration after Logic Games are retired following the June 2024 LSAT administration. Test takers logging into the free (or paid) interface are now greeted with the following options:
Why to Take the LSAT Before Logic Games are Retired
As a result of a lawsuit filed against the LSAT in 2019, the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) agreed to retire the Logic Games section of the exam within five years. Taking full advantage of that timeframe, last October, LSAC announced that the section would be removed from the exam following the June 2024 administration of the test. Now, law school applicants targeting round 1 applications in 2024 are confronted with a unique option - take the exam with Logic Games or without.
10 Tips for Improving Your LSAT Score By 10 Points

If you’re looking to apply to law school in the near future, then you’re probably already thinking about the LSAT. You may have even already taken the LSAT once or twice, or perhaps you’ve taken a practice test. If you have, you should know that your score isn’t static. You may have earned slightly different scores on different versions of the test. Not only will your LSAT score fluctuate somewhat from test to test, but you can also do a lot to improve your score over time.
When students come to us wanting to improve their LSAT score, we often use a 10-point increase as a benchmark for an initial goal. Something we’ve notice over time is that most students fail to recognize A) how significant a difference a 10-point increase can make in your law school eligibility, and B) how much work it takes to increase your score by 10 points.
The LSAT score ranges from 120-180. Scoring right in the middle equates to the 46th percentile, meaning you’re scoring better than 46 percent of test-takers. While 160 may not sound much different from 150, an LSAT score of 160 actually equates to the 82nd percentile. That’s a huge increase in your competitiveness compared to a 150.
While 10-point LSAT increases do require a serious investment of time and energy, they’re definitely not impossible. In this article, we’ll provide 10 powerful tips for boosting your LSAT score by 10 points.