There are many ways to have a great experience with an LSAT tutor. The key is to decide what role you want the tutor to play in your LSAT preparation. One sure-fire way...
Meta Testing Strategy for the LSAT

There are many things to keep in mind while studying for the LSAT exam. It’s overwhelming enough to try to master techniques for each of the sections.
But at some point, take a break from driving yourself crazy with the logic questions and the games, and consider some other overall strategies that can help improve your score:
Bring your own watch. It’s essential to keep track of time. Who knows if you can see the clock – who knows if there will be a clock? Control your conditions as much as you can.
Learn to shake it off – Just like the Cash Cab host tells contestants who miss the red light challenge to “shake it off,” train yourself to shake off sections that you feel don’t go well.
Don’t pay attention to the people around you - Chances are you aren’t even working on the same sections at the same time. The exam booklets are shuffled into different orders. You don’t know what your neighbor is working on and you shouldn’t care. Don’t let yourself get distracted; don’t break your rhythm.
Don’t talk to others about the test on breaks - If someone tells you they thought the reading comprehension was easy and you thought it was hard, you may just waste energy worrying about it. Plus, you may have taken an experimental section, and you might get the easier one later in the day.
Never leave a question blank. There is no penalty for wrong answers. Always take the last few seconds before time is called to go back through to answer the ones you weren’t sure about. Make blind guesses on the rest. If I haven’t even looked at a question, I always choose “B.” Don’t put your pencil down until you absolutely have to.
Keep your energy up - It’s a long day. Bring energy snacks to have on hand when you’re flagging.
These strategies can help you from losing points, and may even help you gain some. I also found that it gave me a sense of calm and control going into what is such a high stakes situation. By being more relaxed, it may help you as you work the questions as well.