Of all the different questions that students work on as they prep for the GRE Verbal, none seem to routinely cause as much trepidation as the Text Completion. If you’ve taught the GRE as much as I have, then you know the particular sigh of fear and pre-emptive defeat that students give when they turn to page to see a sentence riddled with long underscores.
GRAD School / MBA News and GMAT / GRE Strategy
Stay current with the latest grad school or MBA admissions news as well as proven GMAT and GRE strategies.
Posts about GRE (5):
What To Look For In a GRE Prep Course

If you’re planning to take the GRE, chances are that you aren’t treating it as a casual endeavor, but that you are planning to put a lot into it and get a lot out. After all, a graduate education requires a huge investment and, hopefully, provides a huge return. So it should be safe to say that you are making a committed effort to prepare. But with all of the material that is considered essential to an undergraduate education, and the volumes more that is considered specialized, it can be easy to get lost without a roadmap.
Applying to Business School? Revised GRE vs. GMAT: MyGuru's Perspective

Many MBA programs are now accepting the Revised GRE test for admissions. We recently wrote a post on our blog which covers most of what you’d need to know about the specifics of the revised GRE, in case you’re unfamiliar with it. In any case, the GMAT has dominated this market for a long time, but this new version of the GRE is making serious inroads. Fourteen of the top 20 MBA programs accept the GRE for admissions and 3 of the six holdouts in the top 20 accept the GRE for their evening and weekend MBA programs.
GRE Word of the Day: 2.4.2012

GRE Word of the Day: 2.3.2012

Inchoate - {adjective}
GRE Word of the Day: 2.2.2012

Homogeneous - {adjective}