“Should I take the GRE or the GMAT” is one of the more frequent lines of questioning we get from students considering working with a GRE tutor. Everyone wants to know if their application is negatively impacted by the decision to submit a GRE score instead of a GMAT score. In this article, we’ll offer our brief thoughts on the question.
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Tags: GRE Verbal, studying for the GRE, GMAT, improving your gmat score, GMAT vs. GRE
Performing mental math calculations faster and more accurately is a surprisingly important element of success on the GMAT. And for any given ability level, It’s also important to gain confidence in your mental math abilities before taking the GMAT. Confidence is often half the battle. At the same time, practicing, having strategies in your mind, and understanding where and how mental math is important can all breed confidence.
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT resources, GMAT Blog, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, gmat study skills, improving your gmat score, gmat math, gmat tutorial, gmat free tutorial, gmat calculation, gmat calculator
Applying the Basics of Argumentation for GMAT Critical Reasoning Success
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on June 23, 2021 12:11:45 PM CDT
Although you’ll likely see slightly fewer Critical Reasoning questions than Sentence Correction or Reading Comprehension on the Verbal section of the GMAT, it is still a sizeable portion of the exam. Having a strong foundational knowledge of argumentation is key to understanding how to answer GMAT critical reasoning questions correctly.
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4 Simple Steps to Answer GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on June 17, 2021 1:09:29 PM CDT
The way the Official Guide to the GMAT, and too many GMAT tutors for that matter, explains how to answer GMAT sentence correction questions is overly confusing. The explanations are far too technical. You are taking the GMAT to get into an MBA program. The MBA programs wants to ensure you can read, write, and speak English well. Neither you nor the MBA program should be concerned with PhD level technical elements of the English language. In this article we’ll teach you how to correctly answer GMAT sentence correction questions by following a four-step process.
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GMAT Review Series: Sentence Correction - Subject/Verb Agreement
Posted by Morgan Bissett-Tessier on August 1, 2019 9:00:00 AM CDT
In this portion of our GMAT Review Series, we’ll take a look at a Sentence Correction: Subject/Verb Agreement question from the Official GMAT Guide 2019 - Verbal Diagnostic. Remember to always use the non-underlined portion of the sentence in question as the answer key to match the underlined segment to.
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GMAT Review Series: Sentence Correction - Parallelism
Posted by Mark Skoskiewicz on July 25, 2019 9:00:00 AM CDT
In today’s GMAT Review Series video, we’ll take a look at a Sentence Correction (Parallelism/Verb Tense) question from GMAT’s Official Guide 2019 – Verbal Diagnostic Exam.
Read MoreTags: GMAT verbal tips, improving your GMAT verbal score, Sentence Correction, gmat test prep, improving your gmat score, GMAT sentence correction tips, GMAT tutors, GMAT practice questions, GMAT video tutorial