At the end of March, GMAC responded to the release of an ETS at-home GRE by announcing that it too would be offering a temporary online, at-home exam option for business school candidates in need of a GMAT score while global in-person testing centers are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After two long, silent weeks, on April 14, registration opened for online GMAT administrations as soon as April 20 and many interesting details were revealed:
GMAT & MBA Admissions Blog
Taking the Online Interim GMAT – One Auditor’s Experience
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on April 22, 2020 10:46:09 AM CDT
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, MBA prep, MBA degree, online interim gmat, online gmat, gmat coronavirus
When it comes time to plan out your career, the question of obtaining further education is something that always needs to be considered. Master's degrees are often the go-to choice for those returning to school to advance their careers, and among master's degrees, the Master's of Business Administration, or MBA, is one of the most popular choices out there. But just why is it that MBAs are such a common choice, and what exactly can you do with one once you've earned it?
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, MBA prep, MBA degree
GMAT Review Series: Sentence Correction with Singular and Plural Nouns
Posted by Jordan Salley on April 8, 2020 8:00:00 AM CDT
The GMAT is the first and only standardized admissions test designed specifically for graduate business and management programs. Though in recent years most business schools accept the GRE exam, taking the GMAT can set you apart from other applicants. The GMAT measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills, the two most relevant skills to the world’s top graduate business programs. You can learn more about the GMAT exam here.
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GMAT Review Series: Sentence Correction with Irregular Verb Tense
Posted by Jordan Salley on April 1, 2020 8:00:00 AM CDT
The GMAT is the first and only standardized admissions test designed specifically for graduate business and management programs. Though in recent years most business schools accept the GRE exam, taking the GMAT can set you apart from other applicants. The GMAT measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills, the two most relevant skills to the world’s top graduate business programs. You can learn more about the GMAT exam here.
Read MoreTags: GMAT verbal, GMAT verbal tips, GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, GMAT online, gmat sentence correction, gmat strategies
We are all experiencing many changes to daily life due to COVID-19. has prudently closed many GMAT testing centers across the country with an unclear timeline for reopening them. For those of you applying to business school and studying for the GMAT, and in particular if you had a scheduled GMAT test date, you were in limbo. But today, in response to this "new normal", GMAC has followed ETS's (they recently introduced an "at home GRE" exam) lead by temporarily offering an interim online GMAT exam, beginning mid-April in impacted markets excluding mainland China.
Read MoreTags: GMAT tutor, GMAT, gmat test prep, GMAT online, GMAT online testing
GMAT Review Series: Sentence Correction Pronouns
Posted by Jordan Salley on March 5, 2020 11:40:09 AM CST
The GMAT is the first and only standardized admissions test designed specifically for graduate business and management programs. Though in recent years most business schools accept the GRE exam, taking the GMAT can set you apart from other applicants. The GMAT measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills, the two most relevant skills to the world’s top graduate business programs. You can learn more about the GMAT exam here.
Read MoreTags: GMAT verbal, GMAT verbal tips, GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, GMAT online, gmat sentence correction, gmat strategies