Performing well on the quantitative section of GMAT requires a mix of math theory, test taking strategy, and critical thinking skills. While it’s important not to approach the quant section of the GMAT like a math test, it is also helpful to have logged certain facts and formulas in your brain. Most of the math theory you need to know does not go beyond high school algebra, so you’ve almost certainly “known it” before. You just need to re-learn and refresh.
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Tags: GMAT quant, GMAT tips
Why Your GMAT Study Plan Needs a GMAT Error Log
Posted by Mark Skoskiewicz on March 4, 2021 3:00:24 PM CST
In this article, we’ll introduce you to the concept of using a GMAT error log while you are studying for the GMAT.
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If you don't know what Khan Academy is, watch this. When it comes to GMAT prep, using Khan Academy can be a very effective tool for refreshing basic skills, but there's a catch. KA content is aligned to the common core state standards for math. The GMAT is NOT aligned to the common core.
Follow 3 Principles To Improve Your GMAT Score
Posted by Mark Skoskiewicz on May 5, 2014 2:17:00 PM CDT
Improving your academic performance, and really any type of performance (i.e., athletic, musical, professional, personal – you name it), is a function of following three important principles:
Tags: growth mindset, gmat practice test, GMAT prep, GMAT resources, GMAT tips
Ask 4 Questions Before Hiring a GMAT Tutor
Posted by Mark Skoskiewicz on October 25, 2013 10:43:00 AM CDT

Your GMAT score is obviously a critical component of your business school application (although, I’d argue, perhaps not as important as many people make it out to be), and most folks need to invest a significant amount of time in preparing for it. Certain GMAT preparation approaches can work better for some people relative to others.
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT help, gmat tutoring, gmat test, GMAT prep, GMAT tips
GMAT Interviews: Improving your GMAT Verbal Score
Posted by Mark Skoskiewicz on July 22, 2013 9:47:00 PM CDT
We recently conducted a phone interview with Amit, who worked with one of our most senior GMAT tutors to improve his verbal score.
Tags: GMAT verbal, GMAT verbal tips, GMAT interview, improving your GMAT verbal score, GMAT tips