The way the Official Guide to the GMAT, and too many GMAT tutors for that matter, explains how to answer GMAT sentence correction questions is overly confusing. The explanations are far too technical. You are taking the GMAT to get into an MBA program. The MBA programs wants to ensure you can read, write, and speak English well. Neither you nor the MBA program should be concerned with PhD level technical elements of the English language. In this article we’ll teach you how to correctly answer GMAT sentence correction questions by following a four-step process.
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4 Simple Steps to Answer GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on June 17, 2021 1:09:29 PM CDT
Tags: GMAT verbal, GMAT tutor, GMAT resources, GMAT Blog, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, gmat study skills, improving your gmat score, GMAT sentence correction tips
How to Approach GMAT Combinatorics: Key Principles
Posted by Morgan Bissett-Tessier on February 9, 2021 1:19:03 PM CST
Combinatorics is the art of counting. You’ll need to understand this art to do well on the GMAT.
It is common for GMAT students looking for a 700+ score to have many questions about GMAT combinatorics problems. These are the GMAT questions that ask you to count up all the possible arrangements of individuals and groups in a variety of situations: How many ways can 5 men and 5 women be ordered in a line? How many high fives occur in a group of 15 people on a basketball team? GMAT tutors often find themselves spending an inordinate amount of time helping students improve their ability to answer these types of GMAT questions.
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Thinking of Taking the Online GMAT Exam? Here's What You Need to Know
Posted by Morgan Bissett-Tessier on May 27, 2020 12:23:41 PM CDT
Our Director of Online Tutoring recently sat for the interim online GMAT, a new version of the test offered by GMAC starting April 20th, 2020 due to the restrictions placed on gatherings of people in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. We’re sharing his experience with GMAT students considering taking the online version of this test so that, hopefully, they can be better prepared and know exactly what to expect going into this unprecedented testing situation.
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Want to Maximize Your Return on Hiring a GMAT Tutor? Study the Basics on Your Own
Posted by Mark Skoskiewicz on May 14, 2020 1:22:14 PM CDT
We believe investing in GMAT tutoring is an easy decision for a student who really struggles with standardized tests and is performing well below average on practice tests. But if you are an above average test taker and trying to understand how to get a 700 score or higher on the GMAT exam, a private tutor is also a good option. In either case, the return on investment in GMAT prep can be very high, because sitting in a test prep class or using an app designed for the “average” test taker is not relevant for you. Customized 1-1 help tailored to your situation is likely required for you to see score improvement.
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, MBA prep, MBA degree, online gmat
Taking the Online Interim GMAT – One Auditor’s Experience
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on April 22, 2020 10:46:09 AM CDT
At the end of March, GMAC responded to the release of an ETS at-home GRE by announcing that it too would be offering a temporary online, at-home exam option for business school candidates in need of a GMAT score while global in-person testing centers are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After two long, silent weeks, on April 14, registration opened for online GMAT administrations as soon as April 20 and many interesting details were revealed:
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, MBA prep, MBA degree, online interim gmat, online gmat, gmat coronavirus
When it comes time to plan out your career, the question of obtaining further education is something that always needs to be considered. Master's degrees are often the go-to choice for those returning to school to advance their careers, and among master's degrees, the Master's of Business Administration, or MBA, is one of the most popular choices out there. But just why is it that MBAs are such a common choice, and what exactly can you do with one once you've earned it?
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, MBA prep, MBA degree