This blog post relates to question #114 from the Official Guide for GMAT Review, 2017.
This is a classic combined rate problem with a VIC (variables in choices) twist. The authors of the OG provide the straightforward algebraic solution, and, with the proper background in rates problems like this, you shouldn’t have any trouble understanding what they’re up to. However, VIC problems with only one or two variables are begging to be back-solved.
Start by noticing that x > y because x is the amount of time it takes to make the 800 nails when the machines work together, and y is the amount of time it takes Machine A working alone. Based on that, let’s pick x = 2 and y = 4.
Small numbers that divide 800 are going to be good picks. You might want to try some different numbers on your own. In this case I’ve set it up so that Machines A and B will work at the same rate – they work twice as fast together.
Because combined rates are always to sum of the individual rates, we know that . So, the rate of Machine B must be 200 nails per hour. Consequently, Now we plug in our picks, and . To find our target number – 4.
John is a Senior MyGuru GMAT tutor based in Chicago, but is also the founder of Owl Test Prep . We encourage you to check out their web-site and YouTube channel.