In today’s GMAT Review Series video, we’ll take a look at a Sentence Correction (Parallelism/Verb Tense) question from GMAT’s Official Guide 2019 – Verbal Diagnostic...
GMAT Interview with a 760 Scorer

Congratulations to Holly, who recently scored a 760 on the GMAT.
We sat down with Holly to learn a bit more about her GMAT preparation activities and get a sense for whether/how MyGuru was able to help her achieve such an impressive GMAT score. We learned that although she was initially hesitant to work with us given our lack of brand name relative to some of our major competitors, our reasonable pricing and extremely experienced tutors persuaded her to give MyGuru a try. She also stressed that, although she was already scoring low 700s, working with a tutor allowed her to "get over a hump" associated with certain concepts tested on the quantitative section of the GMAT that just weren't making sense to her. Once these concepts were clearly explained, her GMAT quant score increased by 10 points, from 39 to 49.