Performing mental math calculations faster and more accurately is a surprisingly important element of success on the GMAT. And for any given ability level, It’s also important to gain confidence in your mental math abilities before taking the GMAT. Confidence is often half the battle. At the same time, practicing, having strategies in your mind, and understanding where and how mental math is important can all breed confidence.
GMAT & MBA Admissions Blog
Stefan Maisnier
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Applying the Basics of Argumentation for GMAT Critical Reasoning Success
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on June 23, 2021 12:11:45 PM CDT
Although you’ll likely see slightly fewer Critical Reasoning questions than Sentence Correction or Reading Comprehension on the Verbal section of the GMAT, it is still a sizeable portion of the exam. Having a strong foundational knowledge of argumentation is key to understanding how to answer GMAT critical reasoning questions correctly.
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4 Simple Steps to Answer GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on June 17, 2021 1:09:29 PM CDT
The way the Official Guide to the GMAT, and too many GMAT tutors for that matter, explains how to answer GMAT sentence correction questions is overly confusing. The explanations are far too technical. You are taking the GMAT to get into an MBA program. The MBA programs wants to ensure you can read, write, and speak English well. Neither you nor the MBA program should be concerned with PhD level technical elements of the English language. In this article we’ll teach you how to correctly answer GMAT sentence correction questions by following a four-step process.
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Taking the Online Interim GMAT – One Auditor’s Experience
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on April 22, 2020 10:46:09 AM CDT
At the end of March, GMAC responded to the release of an ETS at-home GRE by announcing that it too would be offering a temporary online, at-home exam option for business school candidates in need of a GMAT score while global in-person testing centers are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After two long, silent weeks, on April 14, registration opened for online GMAT administrations as soon as April 20 and many interesting details were revealed:
Tags: GMAT tutor, GMAT, MBA Admissions, gmat test prep, MBA prep, MBA degree, online interim gmat, online gmat, gmat coronavirus
How to Successfully Answer a GMAT Sample Sentence Correction Question
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on November 27, 2019 12:16:08 PM CST
The GMAT is the first and only standardized admissions test designed specifically for graduate business and management programs. Though in recent years most business schools accept the GRE exam, taking the GMAT can set you apart from other applicants. The GMAT measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills, the two most relevant skills to the world’s top graduate business programs. You can learn more about the GMAT exam here.
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Use Problem Solving Efficiency to Achieve Problem Solving Success
Posted by Stefan Maisnier on May 16, 2018 9:00:00 AM CDT
Excelling at any skills-based endeavor demands an economy of motion where most mistake maximum effort for excellent execution. The GMAT is no different. Every Quantitative Problem Solving question has a litany of potential paths to a solution, and the successful GMAT student’s goal is to reach that solution in the fewest number of steps possible. The key is to take note of all the information provided in the proper order, consider what information may be hidden in the answer choices, and to then calculate for the desired information. This is the subject of today’s video tutorial with our Director of Online Tutoring – Stefan Maisnier.
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